“Light A Candle” Virtual Prayer Vigil
9 PM (EST) Thursdays (20 minutes)
Hosted by Fall Creek Abbey
During this time as our communities, our country, and people around the world watch and wait for the effects of this pandemic, David and I thought it was an important time to invite our friends and community to keep vigil together.
Have you ever participated in a prayer vigil? From the earliest days of the church, people have held prayer vigils and lit candles to represent the person or occasion for which they pray.
Beginning tomorrow night and continuing for however long seems right, we’ll be hosting a “light a candle” virtual prayer vigil beginning at 9 pm (EST). All you need to do is click the link below at 9 pm and we’ll lead a 20-minute time of guided prayer.
You can remain silent and anonymous and simply light your candle as a symbol of solidarity with those who are holding vigil during this time of distress.
Please feel free to share this with your community. Thank you. We would love to see you tomorrow night!
Topic: “Light A Candle” Virtual Prayer Vigil Time: Mar 19, 2020 08:55 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/380204325